Baby Ava's Support Foundation
Ava Helene Atkinson was born on May 26, 2014, but because she was born so early, she experienced many health issues.
Ava was moved to the neo-natal unit where she was put on a ventilator to help her breathe. Hours later, Ava’s condition had not improved, and after discussions with the consultant it was decided that due to the severity of the health issues she had, we as parents had to make the most devastating decision of our lives, together with the care team, to withdraw treatment. Minutes after coming off the ventilator Ava passed away peacefully with her family around her.
Whilst at the hospital we were given a keepsake box in which we were able to have memories of Ava. These precious memories are there for us to look at and cherish. Her keepsake box has brought comfort to us all, so much so that we have decided we would like to put together our own memory boxes for other parents who have suffered the loss of a child.
We have decided to make these keepsake boxes ourselves and hope that these boxes will be looked at for years to come.
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